
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hyde & Closer: My 3 Wishes for an Anime (if there would ever be one)

1. A Faithful Adaptation
Something that stays pretty close to the manga, like DBZ Kai or FMA: Brotherhood. Minimal filler, if possible, even if a semi-semi-biannual (or, completely erratic) schedule would be required to do so. We don't want to see something like the Bount, or that big, giant, extremely crappy filler arc in Naruto. On the other hand, if we see some really good filler, like ummm.... maybe the filler before the storyline completely branches off in the first Fullmetal Alchemist series? See, that would be fine.
2. A Good Dub with Fitting Voices
Definitely not 4Kids. FUNimation? Yeah.... so anyway, I got a good idea for the voices of Hyde and Closer. And these voices probably sound like wierd choices, but they fit. Just listen to the voices I picked from these shows.
Shunpei Closer
Jeremy Shada's "Finn" voice from Cartoon Network's "Adventure Time with Finn and Jake".
My reasons for this choice? First of all, it's a perfect little kid voice. And while sometimes, his voice lacks depth and emotion, what's better than a 13 year old for a 13 year old? If, by the time this gets dubbed, Shada gets too old for the role, Veronica Taylor's "Ash" would work too.
John DiMaggio's 'Bobo Haha' voice from Cartoon Network's "Generator Rex" voice.
You may already know DiMaggio as the voice of Bender from Futurama. However, this deeper, gruffer voice would work better than any other American voice actor I've heard for Hyde. The voice of a diaper-wearing monkey who happens to be good with a hand gun as the voice of a cigar-smoking, chainsaw-wielding teddy bear? Watch it, it fits.
3. 4Kids not touching it with a 400 billion yottameter pole (longer than the diameter of the universe).
There is obvious reason for this one. Those anime-raping bastards. Watch the videos below to see why.

Molly's "Death" Sonic X- 4Kids Edition
Molly's Actual Death
